• Edward’s Monthly Updates

    July had been the busiest month of our summer. Home projects, visits from family and friends from far away, and 2 birthdays, among other things, kept our schedule pretty full. We survived the craziness of it all with so many sleepless nights (I’m glad none…

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  • Fruit Smoothie Recipe

    I’m back! And I’m back with another smoothie recipe! This week had been crazy warm, and so we’ve been having smoothies every day. It’s a sign that summer is coming… and it’s coming fast! The beauty of making smoothies is you can pretty much use…

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  • Arroz caldo

    The past winter here that seems to be lingering has been rough for little ones. There’s a bug that has been going around that has made kiddos and their moms and dads sick on and off. It was towards the end of winter when this…

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  • Edward’s Baby Photos

    I’d like to get this post out before March officially ends. I had so many unwritten drafts tucked in my mind, I am seriously having a mental overload of what I wish to write but never got to. I keep reminding myself that this is…

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  • It’s a Boy!

    I was 3 days over my due date when contractions finally started around 5:30 in the morning. They were about 10-12 minutes apart lasting a minute or less. At 7 AM I decided to take a warm shower. This time the contractions were getting closer…

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