July had been the busiest month of our summer. Home projects, visits from family and friends from far away, and 2 birthdays, among other things, kept our schedule pretty full. We survived the craziness of it all with so many sleepless nights (I’m glad none of us got sick!) and wonderful memories.
So pardon me if I had been AWOL for a while till now.
I have so many things I want to share with you that I don’t even know where to begin.
Let’s start of with Edward’s monthly updates. He is now 6 months old so you can see how much I have been slacking on keeping you guys posted. Almost an entire 2 months, and not a single peep from yours truly! So to our family and friends reading this, thank you for patiently waiting.
So here it is…
Edward’s 5th Month Update
July 21st: Measured 26.5 inches and weighed 17 lbs 5 oz. He is as happy as ever! He started army crawling and tried pulling himself up. He is still breastfeeding, but now had his first drink of water. Speaking of water, he is not a big fan of baths! He is okay at the swimming pool, but still warming up with lake water. We had been going to the beach at least once or twice a week and he seems to be content just exploring the sand. This month, as an annual family tradition we went to Bruce Power’s Party. There were free food as usual, but this year there were more activities for the kids. We all went for some rides and watched an amazing carnival show. It was Edward’s first time to watch the fireworks at the beach.
Edward’s 6th Month Update
August 21st: Measured 27 inches and weighed 18 lbs 6.5 oz. He’s been pretty good at crawling now, finally managed to sit without falling over, and hard at work pulling himself up more with whatever he can grab with his hands (and mouth!). He likes picking up a fistful of food to feed himself. He can hold his water bottle (for the most part!) to drink. He loves to crawl and explore the house, but mostly loves to follow his momma wherever she goes. He’s pretty good at entertaining himself with all sorts of things he can find. He adores his 2 older sisters and they love him as much if not more. Recently, he has been getting into our dog’s food and water, and putting toys, books, and cut up pieces of paper into his mouth. He is such a happy and content baby, but just like his momma, he is the crankiest when hungry!