It’s another baby girl!

November 20th

Today marks the 12th day since I last went on social media. For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you would probably remember my last post – a picture of our dark snowy drive at 5:55 in the morning to the hospital to have the baby. I know I left you with a cliff hanger there. Some of you sent me messages asking how I was doing… and if we had the baby yet….

I am doing well now (but it wasn’t the case in the beginning), and yes we had the baby on the 8th of November at 8:27AM, and it’s another beautiful and healthy baby girl! Thank you for all your prayers!

This was my very first scheduled C-section. All my other 3 births were natural without any medical interventions. Due to my 4th degree tear with my 3rd baby, I was highly advised to have a C-section. The risk of having another 4DT was too high and the complications could be dangerous and life altering if ever. Still we waited until I was on my 30th week to decide. After weighing the pros and cons, we opted for the latter.

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