My Nana’s 95th Birthday

A sketch I made of me and my nana for her 95th birthday.


It was the 19th of March 2014 when we celebrated our nana’s 95th birthday. My sister and I bought some party supplies and with the help of everyone, we decorated the living room and the dining area while she was taking her afternoon nap. She woke up to the aroma of the baked lasagna and salmon teriyaki I made specially for her. 

When she stepped out of her room, her eyes caught the sight of the balloons and paper streamers.

Slowly she walked towards the dining table, admiring the decorations we hang on the ceilings and the walls.  We guided her to her usual spot in the dining table. Her seat we decorated with purple streamers and a nice big purple bow on top.

After singing “happy birthday”, we asked her to blow the candles of her favourite mango cake!

It was a special day! Not just for her, but for us as well. To still have her with us at her age is such a blessing! Thankfully she was released a few days ago from being confined at the hospital. Who gets to 95 nowadays? I mean really? Right?

So before our trip to see my family, I was thinking of what to give to her as a birthday gift. I made her a huge embroidered canvas of a fruit basket last time. I even went to Michael’s to have it framed with a special non-glare glass.

My nana is very crafty. They say I got that from her. So when I give her something I made I know she appreciates it because she understands the time and effort that were spent in making them.

The canvas I gave her took me months to complete. I didn’t have months to spare this time so I thought perhaps a sketch of her and me would be a nice gift instead. So I looked for a nice photo of us together. When I saw the photo of me wearing my wedding gown with her by my side, I thought that would be the perfect picture to use. I was only able to make a rough draft of my sketch before we hopped on the plane to see her. So when she would go in her room to nap, I would go to mine, locking the door behind me to work on my sketch. I showed my draft to my sister and she was pleased.

Sketch in progress.

On the day we bought the party supplies, we grabbed a dark brown picture frame with a nice cream mat. It fit my sketch like a glove. I gave it to her on her birthday together with some colorful crocheting yarns and a crocheting magazine.

Her eyes beamed when she saw my sketch. I gave her a big hug and she gave me a kiss!


To view more of my artwork, click here.

Thanks for stopping by.

<3 Zhi

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