• November Updates

    I think it has been apparent that my blogging has taken a back seat. As much as I would like to keep this up in a more regular basis than a monthly posts (purely not intentional), I just couldn’t carve the time to do so.…

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  • Salmon Egg Rolls

    A few days ago, despite my on and off migraine that started all of a sudden (I am blaming the heat!) I was able to experiment on making my own salmon egg rolls. Honestly, I wasn’t sure how it’s going to turn out. So I just…

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  • Beef Giniling Guisado

    It has been 2 weeks since my last post so I thought it’s just about time to take my laptop out of hibernation and start writing again.  I have so many things I’d like to share with you, I don’t even know where to start.…

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  • Simple Pork Adobo Recipe

    In the Philippines, pork adobo is a dish braised in garlic, soy sauce, oil, and vinegar. Due to its popularity, ease in preparation, and long storage life, it is considered the national dish among the Filipinos. Another great thing about adobo is its versatility. This…

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  • Amazing Pork Skewers (Filipino Style)

    The best pork skewers I’ve ever had was not cooked by a chef in some fancy 5-star restaurant. It’s quite the opposite actually. These pork skewers were marinated by the hands of a mother who never even got to high school, but ran a small…

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  • Easy Pork Binagoongan Recipe

    Today, I made pork adobo and pork binagoongan. And I ate TONS of rice in the process! My ultimate food cravings for this third pregnancy have been Filipino food. It was the same with my first pregnancy. Perhaps I’m just missing all the good food…

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  • Just an Update!

    Hi folks, I meant to post more regularly after returning from our big summer road trip. I was able to do it for a while but then some things came up. First, our kiddos got eaten alive by mosquitoes when we went camping (this was…

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