
My beautiful niece Sofia.


It was Spring of 2014. We were planning on visiting my family in the States and I thought i it would be nice if I can give our lovely niece a present I made myself. Since I was running out of time to make her anything special, I thought perhaps a sketch of her would be a wonderful handmade gift from her aunt. And so I did! (I also made one for my grandma who was about to celebrate her 95th birthday that year. Click here to check that out on this post). 

sofia_wm.jpgI used a photo of her that my sister emailed to me when she was 5 months old. Good thing I was able to finish it on the day we flew. I remember sitting at the airport tweaking my sketch while waiting for our flight departure.

When we got there, my husband and I bought a picture frame at Walmart to put my sketch in.

Isn’t she just adorable? Now this cutie has turned 3!

Sketch in progress.
For more artwork, click here. Thanks for dropping by!

<3 Zhi



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